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Lito Avana - Admin Aplication

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Lito Avana - Admin Aplication Empty Lito Avana - Admin Aplication

Post  *Lavana* Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:01 pm

Name In Game(Account/Main Character):Lito_Avana
IRL Name:Lito Avana.
IRL Age:17.
Country of Residence:UK
Main language:English.
Other languages spoken:Espanol.
Time spent on Paradox:2 days.
How many bans/jails/warns have you had?:0.
Now onto the Long Answer Questions, please answer in 100 words or more each

What do you think a admin does on here?:
An Admin looks after the server, helps the new and old players ,stop Hackers and people using Exploits and to jail anyone breaking the rules.

Whats your idea of "Good" and "Bad" roleplay? How do you react to players with bad roleplay?
My idea of Good Roleplaying is to always stay in character,Listen to the admins and all the other players.
My idea of Bad Roleplaying is complaining in /b ,PGing Deathmatching doing big things with no /me or /do.

Other Questions:

Tell us 3 rules in your own words, explain them, And what you'd do if you saw a player breaking them
1. Do not use any cheats, hacks, bug abuse or exploits.

2. Roleplay the whole time, even if someone is breaking a rule, roleplay untill an admin tells you to stop!

3. Make sure to use /me for any actions your character is making, such as pulling out weapons.

What do you think you can bring our staff team?
I can bring my Admin experience, an Active and respectfull admin who will try to deal with any problems players are having and a good addition to the Admin team.

Why do you want to be an admin here?
To help any and all players in anyway i can and to stop people who try to ruin other peoples time on this server.

If you saw a player Non-RP Driving, how would you solve this?
Freeze him and talk to him in /b after i have explained to The player that they need to stop driving the way they was driving then Un-Freeze him on a warning if i catch The player doing it again i would kick him and if it happens again i would Jail.

FINAL PART (I promise)
Multiple choice.

When i think maturity, I think:
(A) Age (B) How you act (C) Is your voice deep (D) Physical Attributes
Roleplay to me is:
(A) A Serious Game mode (B) Some shit i play to f*** around on
If i saw someone horrid at RP I as a admin would:
(A) Talk to them, Tell them to stop being bad (B) Teach them RP (C) Forceapp them (D) Kick them everytime they mess up
What does CPR stand for (Used commonly by cops, But admins must also have it):
(A) Cant Phucking Run (B) Courtesy Professionalism Respect (C) Crap Pretend Run! (D) Captain Planet Rescues

Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-09-19

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